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The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom

By Don Miguel Ruiz

In The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz outlines four key principles every human should live by. The Four Agreements are based on ancient Toltec wisdom, and each agreement may seem obvious and common sense however people (yes, including you) tend to forget to live by these simple, yet powerful principles. This book should be a required read for everyone to adopt each of the agreements as a code of conduct.

Get it: The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom

The Upside of Stress: Why Stress Is Good for You, and How to Get Good at It

By Kelly McGonigal 

Instead of trying to avoid, reduce or succumb to stress, psychologist Kelly McGonigal empowers readers to reframe stress as useful and to leverage stress to your advantage. This book is eye opening and thought provoking and will help you change how you think about stress in order to become stronger and happier because of it.

Get it: The Upside of Stress: Why Stress Is Good for You, and How to Get Good at It

90 Seconds to a Life You Love: How to Master Your Difficult Feelings to Cultivate Lasting Confidence, Resilience, and Authenticity

By Joan I. Rosenberg

Joan Rosenberg, Ph.D., has spent 30 years as a practicing psychologist which she has distilled into one book about how to face what life may throw at you by effectively managing emotions. This book provides readers with the tools to develop emotional resilience, self-confidence to realize one’s full potential.

Get it: 90 Seconds to a Life You Love: How to Master Your Difficult Feelings to Cultivate Lasting Confidence, Resilience, and Authenticity 

Stumbling on Happiness

By Daniel Gilbert

Social psychologist Daniel Gilbert does not simply discuss achieving happiness. He instead eloquently explores fundamental truths about cognitive neuroscience and behavioural psychology. He provides a detailed account of cognitive errors we encounter when predicting our happiness and ultimately how we fail at predicting future happiness. The better you understand the cognitive errors you may be making and the way our brains work, the more likely you’ll be able to take reign over them.   

Get it: Stumbling on Happiness

You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter

By Joe Dispenza

The phenomenon of the placebo effect continues to baffle doctors and scientists across the world, as it is difficult to conceptualize just how people can be healed despite being given sugar pills. As someone who transformed his own fate after being told by doctors he would never walk again from a crippling accident, Joe Dispenza outlines scientific research in neuroscience and psychology and provides profound insights into the biology of belief and the placebo effect. In addition to providing the latest research and anecdotal stories of healing from within, he offers readers tools to harness the power of the mind including his unique guided meditation to connect with your own innate intelligence.

Get it: You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter

Claim Your Power: A 40-Day Journey to Dissolve the Hidden Trauma That’s Kept You Stuck and Finally Thrive in Your Life’s Unique Purpose

By Mastin Kipp 

Claim Your Power is one of the best books you can use to gain a better understanding of yourself, explore your conditioned subconscious mind and to discover your purpose. Mastin Kipp believes whether small or large, everyone has gone through emotional trauma. That is why he created a 40-day program inside Claim Your Power to develop self-awareness, work through your trauma and to reclaim your power. The 40-day program is inspired by the Hero’s Journey and is meant to empower you to overcome emotional trauma by understanding your past and how it has conditioned the way you think and react to things. Once you develop greater self-awareness of what may be holding you back you can reclaim your power and live true to your purpose.

Get it: Claim Your Power: A 40-Day Journey to Dissolve the Hidden Trauma That’s Kept You Stuck and Finally Thrive in Your Life’s Unique Purpose 

Rising Strong: How the Ability to Reset Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

By Brené Brown

Brené Brown is a professor who has spent over two decades studying vulnerability, courage, shame and empathy. Rising Strong is a book about working through your emotions, developing emotional resilience and rising back up after you’ve fallen. She inspires readers to accept and own their personal disappointments, failures and regrets in order to forgive themselves and come out on top as a stronger, braver and more courageous individual.

Get it: Rising Strong: How the Ability to Reset Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are

By Brené Brown

Brené Brown makes the list yet again for good reason. As a leading expert on shame, vulnerability, empathy and courage she has written another bestseller on how to cultivate courage to embrace your flaws and realize that you are worthy, and you are enough. In The Gifts of Imperfection, Brown helps readers to release emotional blocks that hold them back which includes the shame of imperfections, in addition to accepting that they are exactly where they should be in life instead of where they feel they are expected to be. She empowers readers to face the hard feelings, to be brave and most importantly to feel worthy.

Get it: The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are

Maybe It’s You: Cut the Crap. Face Your Fears. Love Your Life.

By Lauren Handel Zander

The author is funny, authentic, direct and real. As a life coach, Lauren Handel Zander shares many of her inspiring client stories who have overcome their limiting beliefs and thoughts and transformed their lives for the better. She even provides a detailed account of her own stories and the lessons she’s had to learn the hard way. It is full of practical tools to develop self-awareness and exercises to identify, accept and overcome emotional blocks.

To get the most out of it you will need to invest time and energy towards introspection. This book is an incredible tool to actually work through emotional blocks in order to achieve your goals and reach fulfillment and happiness.

Get it: Maybe It’s You: Cut the Crap. Face Your Fears. Love Your Life. 

The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself

By Michael A. Singer 

In The Untethered Soul, Michael Singer shares his deep wisdom and explains the two concepts of the self – the experiencer and the observer. The Untethered Soul takes readers on an inward journey, to develop awareness and find serenity. It is full of wise insights and profound truths, a book that is valuable for anybody, especially those going through a tough transition in life. Some readers have described it as a more comprehensible piece of work than Eckhart Tolle’s books. It is uplifting, enlightening and is a must-read book to return back to throughout your life. 

Get it: The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself

“People spend so much time trying to be more physically attractive to find love that they forget the importance of being mentally attractive.Educate yourself, address your recurring toxic thoughts, deal with your insecurities & learn to be happy on your own. That’s attractive.”

– Steven Bartlett 

“If your emotional abilities aren’t in hand, if you don’t have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions, if you can’t have empathy and have effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far.”  

– Daniel Goleman

“It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.”

– Gautama Buddha