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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Will Durant

Sleep is so crucial to optimal functioning, yet so many people struggle with getting good quality sleep because anxiety and an incessant racing mind are prevalent now more than ever.

Sleep deprivation negatively affects cognitive function including the ability to focus, decision-making, and long-term memory. It also risks causing undue stress in your body because being low on sleep activates your sympathetic nervous system which results in an increase of blood pressure and the stress hormone cortisol. In addition, sleep deprivation can cause hormonal changes which directly influences weight gain.

One of the most popular questions for high achievers is “what’s your morning routine?”, which makes sense because having a successful morning routine enables a successful day, it primes your mindset and your body with confidence to take on the challenges that may face you. Yet, it’s much less common to ask about nighttime routines, even though sleep is such a crucial component to being in the right state of mind to perform at your best the following day. Getting good quality sleep ensures tomorrow will be a more productive and successful day.

Establishing an evening routine can help you prime your body and mind for high quality sleep. Consistent habits a couple of hours before bed that get your body into a parasympathetic state can make a world of difference in your sleep duration and quality.

  1. Get Outside for the Sunset

Our bodies rely on our circadian rhythm which is an internal clock to know when it is daytime and nighttime. One of the ways the circadian rhythm is regulated is by light. Exposing yourself to the sun as it sets signals to your body to begin the proper biological processes for sleep. 

  1. Blue Light Blocking Glasses as Soon as the Sun Goes Down

In order to keep your circadian rhythm in check and prime your body for sleep you want to limit your exposure to blue light as soon as the sun goes down. The production of the sleep hormone melatonin is suppressed by light, of which blue light has the strongest effect.  

A good habit is to put on blue light blocking glasses as soon as the sun goes down. Most of the blue light you will be exposed to will be from your devices, however the lights in your car and the lights in your house are predominantly blue light. Even walking into the kitchen and seeing the light on your stove affects you because there are cells in your eyes that are aware of any presence of light. These lights increase alertness and confuse your brain because your brain does not think that it is time for sleep. The cells in your eyes are highly aware of blue light so glasses help to reduce the effects of blue light on your body.

Get it: TIJN Blue Light Blocking Glasses 

  1. Limit Exposure to Technology

Limiting exposure to the blue lights from your cell phone or TV a couple hours before sleep is crucial to ensure you will get the highest possible quality of sleep.

Wearing blue blocking glasses is a step in the right direction and you can also get apps to reduce your exposure to blue light from your devices. Install free programs such as f.lux on your devices and control your iPhone settings to limit blue light. 

  1. Enable Night Shift on your phone by accessing

               Settings > Display & Brightness > Night Shift.

  1. Second, google iPhone red light trick which shows you how to turn your screen red to eliminate 100% of the blue light. Use this feature especially before bed because when you’re scrolling on your phone at night seeing all the colours fires up dopamine. The less colours you see on your screen will help to calm your racing mind.

Turning your phone on airplane mode a couple hours before bed will limit distractions and at the very least, turn it on airplane mode a half hour before bed.

  1. Spend Quality Time with Family

Even though we’re connected 24/7 through social media, reports of loneliness are through the roof. Human beings are hardwired to connect, it is just as crucial as our need for food and water, yet we tend to not prioritize connection as much as we should. Put your phone away, turn off the TV and connect with loved ones. 

  1. Trade Tea for Caffeine & Alcohol

Curling up with a hot mug of tea and putting your feet up in the evening can be just what you need to get yourself in a parasympathetic state, and that’s why I make it a habit to drink calming teas in the evening.

Caffeine activates the central nervous system and keep you wide-awake, in order to be in your best state of mind for rest, avoid consuming caffeine after 3:00 PM. Consuming caffeine 6 hours before bedtime significantly disrupts sleep quality and has been shown to reduce sleep time by 41 minutes.

Alcohol also adversely affects sleep. Alcohol may help you zonk out quickly, but the second half of your sleep will be light and may cause you to wake up sooner than you’d like. Studies show that consuming alcohol at both high and low doses does improve sleep latency as people tend to fall asleep quicker than if they had not consumed alcohol. However, after 4 to 5 hours of falling asleep, people experience increased bouts of wakefulness and disruptions in sleep as the body completes the metabolism of the alcohol. If you do have caffeine and alcohol have it early enough to reduce the effect it has on your sleep quality.

My favourite evening tea is passionflower. Drinking passionflower tea prior to bedtime will help to activate your parasympathetic nervous system to promote relaxation. Passionflower is a popular sleep remedy to treat sleep disturbance and anxiety because it is composed of flavonoids which induce sedation.

Get it: Passionflower Tea or Passionflower-Valerian Tea 

Check out: Top Teas to Knock You Out

  1. Stop Eating

Try to give yourself 3 hours between when you ate your last meal and when you plan on going to sleep. Digesting food increases our core body temperature which is not optimal for sleep and the energy it takes to digest food additionally takes away from the production of melatonin. I fully support dark chocolate for dessert but avoid chocolate late in the evening as it contains caffeine and may make you more alert.

  1. Clean Up & Declutter

The last thing you want to be is frantic and in a frenzy in the morning cleaning up the mess from the night before because it primes your day to be in a mild state of chaos. Putting clothes and dishes away allows you to wake up in a clean and organized space which puts you in the right mindset to take on your day.

  1. Plan for Tomorrow

Preparing meals for the following day, getting your workout clothes or gym bag ready and planning out what you will wear can save you time and reduce decision fatigue in the morning.

If you struggle with lying awake in bed thinking of all the things you didn’t get done or all the things you have to do the following day then making a to-do list can help to clear your mind and allow you to relax and actually get to sleep.

By putting your thoughts down on paper, you reduce stress, anxiety and worry. Figure out the 6 most important things you need to do, begin by writing down the 3 most important tasks you must complete the following day, and 3 other tasks. Having a focus of 6 tasks reduces overwhelm and allows you to focus on what’s most important.

  1. Rehydrate your Skin

Always take off your makeup before bed, cleanse your face and apply your favourite serums and creams. Taking a shower or bath before bed is also beneficial for sleep. 

A warm bath or shower will induce relaxation and get your body ready for sleep. When you step out of the bath or shower, you will cool down which triggers melatonin production. If you have a bath, you can even add Epsom salts and lavender essential oil to boost sleep quality even further.

If you’re not a bath person, a quick warm shower before bedtime will improve sleep. A warm bath or shower one or two hours prior to bedtime for even as short as 10 minutes will reduce sleep latency and improve sleep quality. At least once a week take a shower or bath 90 minutes before bed to increase your duration of deep sleep.

Get it: Dr. Teal’s Epsom Salt with Lavender 

Check out: The Benefits of Epsom Salt Baths here.

  1.   Turn on the Red Light

To reduce your exposure to harsh overhead lights, turn on salt lamps at night and you can even replace lightbulbs in your bedroom with red light bulbs. Salt lamps and red lightbulbs will prime your body and mind for sleep because they have a lower blue spectrum. Studies have shown that individuals with normal colour vision do not experience a suppression of melatonin from bright red or dim lights compared to bright blue lights.

I recommend eliminating the artificial light in your bedroom with black out curtains and using red lightbulbs in your bedroom. I recently took it a step further and put red lights in my kitchen so that in the evening I am exposing myself to red light whether I’m in the kitchen or the bedroom.

As soon as I turn on the red light in my bedroom, or only use salt lamps in my house I send a signal to my body that it is time for sleep. I usually turn on the air conditioning or a fan to cool my body down because you get a higher quality of sleep in colder temperatures.

Get it: Red Light Bulbs

Get it: Black Out Curtains

  1.   Diffuse Calming Oils

If you want to take the mood to the next level, set up a diffuser in your bedroom and use calming essential oils. Exposure to lavender essential oil at night has been shown to increase deep sleep and increase vigor the following morning.

Other essential oils that help for relaxation are chamomile, sandalwood, bergamot or ylang-ylang.

Get it: Lavender Essential Oil & Diffuser

Get it: Diffuser & Essential Oil Bundle

  1.   Read

There’s a reason reading makes some people fall asleep. One of the key reasons is that it isn’t associated with external stimuli that increases alertness. Reading before sleep puts you in a relaxed state of mind and it slows down your breathing. According to a study the University of Essex published in 2009, reading for even six minutes a day reduces stress levels by 68%.

Keep in mind that whichever book you read before bed will be fresh in your subconscious mind. In other words, the last thoughts you think before bed will influence what your mind thinks about when you sleep. I save personal development or books I want to take notes on for the daytime. Before bed, I choose books that are centered around optimism, mindfulness and self-love.

Some of my favourite books to read before bed are:

  The Four Sacred Secrets

  The Universe Has Your Back

  The Alchemist  

  1.   Journal

Journaling is a key habit to help you unwind and clear your mind of anything that may keep you awake in bed. If you’re an over-thinker, then this habit is not one to overlook. Journaling includes anything from reviewing how your day went, to brainstorming ideas, to releasing emotions, making sense of emotions or just transferring all your thoughts onto paper. 

Ending your day and your final thoughts with gratitude is one of the most calming ways to prime your mind for sleep. One of the best journals for gratitude and for reviewing your day is the Five-Minute Journal, or you can get an empty lined journal and free flow.

Get it: Journal

Get it: The Five-Minute Journal

Check out: Evening Journal Reflection Ideas for Personal Growth and Development.

  1.   Meditate

Meditating before bedtime induces mental relaxation because it is phenomenal for slowing a racing mind. Even just taking six deep breaths is effective to reduce anxiety. Meditation activates the parasympathetic system and induces a calming state by providing a regulation of the HPA axis and cortisol levels. It has also been shown to enhance serotonin which is the precursor to melatonin.

Closing your eyes and focusing on your breath is the best way to physically prepare your body for sleep.

Find out What Works for You

Sleep is sacred, so make your evening routine sacred. Remember that you need time to focus on you, and your body needs time to rest and recover. These 14 habits are what works for me and my evening routine but find out what works for you and customize your own routine. Stick to the habits that work for you, get the best quality of sleep you can and get ready to celebrate your productiveness and success.

Check out: 9 Habits to Prime your Body & Mind for your Best Sleep here

Check out: Natural Sleep Aids here