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Ever wake up groggy, get a peak of yourself in the bathroom mirror and wonder whether you developed a severe allergy overnight because it’s not possible for your eyes to be so puffy or so swollen? (psssst it may not be an allergy; it could be caused by lack of sleep since puffy eyes tend to be the first sign of sleep deprivation). The good news is the quick fix to make yourself presentable is likely in your kitchen cupboard. While you’re in the kitchen brewing your morning coffee, grab some grounds and wake up those tired-looking eyes too. 

Coffee grounds may just be your saviour to diminish the just rolled out of bed look.

In the cosmetic industry, coffee grounds are recognized due to their ability to rejuvenate, firm and tighten the skin. As a diuretic, coffee grounds applied directly to the skin are able to flush fluid in the skin which promotes skin tightening, reduces puffiness and can temporarily reduce under-eye bags.

One study even showed that after one month of applying a dark circle eye pad of caffeine and vitamin K in an Emu oil base reduced dark circles, wrinkle depth and the skin around the eye looked tighter.

To treat your puffy eyes, combine:

  • 1 tsp coffee grounds
  • 1 tsp coconut oil (or 1 tsp honey)

Gently apply the mixture under your eyes (avoid scrubbing it under your eyes as the skin around your eyes is very delicate).  Leave it on for about 10-15 minutes, then gently rinse it off with water. 

Coconut oil will help to moisturize your skin while the coffee grounds reduce puffiness and swelling. If you don’t have coconut oil, you can even mix it with honey or grapeseed oil to get a similar paste-like consistency.

If you’re experiencing redness due to a sunburn or irritated skin, coffee grounds can help improve that too! Coffee is a vasoconstrictor and so it reduces blood flow to the area of the skin it is applied to which reduces redness

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